Matthew K. Hong

Human-Centered AI, Toyota Research Institute.


Dr. Matthew K. Hong is a Senior Research Scientist on the Future Product Innovation team within the Human-Centered AI division at Toyota Research Institute. Currently, he leads a team of behavioral scientists, ML and HCI researchers and explores the use of generative AI in amplifying human creativity for product design. He manages a portfolio of projects to innovate the conceptual design process, including augmenting design space exploration with semantics and analogical transfer, supporting visual style mixing with zero-shot interpolation, and developing interventions aimed at supporting professional creatives.

Matthew’s research has led to deployed technologies (e.g., HAX Playbook) and publications in leading conference proceedings, including ACM SIGCHI, and a best paper award. Recently, his research on creativity and Human-AI interaction has been covered by MIT Sloan and the WIRED.

He holds a Ph.D. in Human-Centered Computing from Georgia Tech, Master’s in Human-Computer Interaction from Carnegie Mellon University, and a B.S. in Cognitive Science from the University of California, San Diego.


May 11, 2024 I am visiting Hawaii to attend CHI 2024.
Apr 25, 2024 I was promoted to Senior Research Scientist! I am truly humbled by this recognition.
Mar 20, 2024 Our work on using GenAI and semantic diversity in design inspiration has been featured in the news! Also check out our blog post.
Mar 13, 2024 Two workshop papers on creativity were accepted to GenAI and HCI workshop @ CHI 2024!
Feb 29, 2024 Our late breaking work on LLM-augmented biological inspirations was accepted to CHI 2024!

selected publications


  1. tochi2023.png
    Next Steps for Human-Centered Generative AI: A Technical Perspective
    Xiang ’Anthony’ Chen, Jeff Burke, Ruofei Du, Matthew K. Hong, Jennifer Jacobs, Philippe Laban, Dingzeyu Li, Nanyun Peng, Karl D. D. Willis, Chien-Sheng Wu, and  others
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.15774, 2023
  2. ci2023.png
    DesignAID: Using Generative AI and Semantic Diversity for Design Inspiration
    Alice Cai, Steven R Rick, Jennifer L Heyman, Yanxia Zhang, Alexandre Filipowicz, Matthew Hong, Matthew Klenk, and Thomas Malone
    In Proceedings of The ACM Collective Intelligence Conference, 2023


  1. chi2021.png
    Planning for Natural Language Failures with the AI Playbook
    Matthew K Hong, Adam Fourney, Derek DeBellis, and Saleema Amershi
    In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021